Amber-JCS is a very intuitive system. While many additional features have been added over the years, mostly at the request of users, the essentials have been kept simple - i.e. record timesheet and expenses, generate sales invoices, and provide financial information on jobs. Other reasons why we think you should try out the Amber-JCS are :-
A popular solution these days is to combine platforms, Amber-JCS is a hybrid system. The data can be kept in the office, or in the cloud to enable access from multiple locations. Most of the core functionality is on a Windows platform, utilising the full power of the PC or laptop. Certain functionality, such as timesheet recording, which is required across all platforms (E.g. desktops, laptops, tablets, and mobile phones) is also available on a web browser platform. The hybrid solution can offer the best of all worlds.
Amber-JCS can be configured to meet particular requirements. For example, there is a sales invoice format for larger projects, to cover balance brought forward. In addition, we offer long-term software flexibility. We do not offer menu and screen generators, but we do offer a customisation service, for programming custom reports and custom sales invoices, and even custom screens if required. In short, if necessary, we can bend the system to fit your business precisely. We want to sell you a solution, not just a box.
Amber-JCS is proven software, and has evolved from feedback over many years.
Amber-JCS is very affordable, with a low monthly subscription option, and simple termination if ever required. Our prices are low due to a low cost base.
We focus more on functionality than visuals. In our view, that means more speed, and more user-friendliness. Highly visual software can make a good first impression, especially with low data volumes, but in day-to-day use it's often about intuitive type-ahead pop-ups, quick-keys, good report previews, and speed generally.
You can evolve Amber-JCS, starting with very basic functionality initially perhaps, but then adding on extra functionality as your confidence grows. You might for example, just start with the web timesheet app, which allows for just jobs and timesheets, on PC's laptops or mobiles; and then later move onto Amber-JCS Professional for generating sales invoices and printing reports. Later, you might want to start activating more the more advanced features.
Advanced Features cover a range of areas - such as fee forecasting, manpower planning, contact management and mailings, email filing, holiday tracking, and quotes. You may in the end never need to activate these features - but it can be good to know that you have those options available if the business need develops in the future.
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