Email Filing Software


Email Filing System

Amber-EMS-LITE Download (FREE)

To start the download, click the Download option, and select the 'Open' or 'Run' option (this option might appear in the bottom of the screen in some browsers such as Chrome). Select <Finish> when the Installation window appears.

Folders and files will be installed to c:\amber\ on your Windows PC or desktop. Unless your Windows security prevents it, you should get a new icon at the top of Outlook (2010 onwards only) - 'Amber-EMS Filer'.
Warning - If you have written any macros written in Outlook, they may get overwritten by the auto-installer)

If you have Windows 7+, you may get one or two standard security warning messages. Please be assured that we are a safe source. We are a Registered Sage Developer (see and a Microsoft Partner.

If you later wish to uninstall Amber-EMS, just delete the folder c:\amber\EMS. To uninstall Microsoft Access Run-Time, go to Windows Control Panel, Programs and Features, select the software, and Remove.

Download Amber-EMS-LITE

If you wish to have a dial-in for some initial guidance, or have any queries, please contact us at, or on 0117 366 0484. On-site training can be provided as required.

Don't forget that if necessary we can modify the system to meet your precise requirements.

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